Hakuitaka Hakorotaka

Group of young people gathered around a table


In Hakuitaka Hakorotaka (Hakui), a kaupapa Māori parenting programme, we walk alongside whānau helping them reflect on how they were raised, how they currently raise their tamariki and how they want to parent in the future. The Hakui programme consists of 12 sessions across 12 weeks supporting whānau to explore their whakapapa, think about their family home structures and put kawa in place to ensure their home is a nurturing environment for all whānau members. We encourage whānau to engage in hands-on participation in our Hakui programme to ensure stronger connections and positive learning experiences. We adopt a flexible approach that is responsive to the needs and aspirations of whānau, with an emphasis on building relationships, self-empowerment and establishing a whānau network. 


"Hapaitia te ara tika pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mo ngā uri whakatipu" - Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations.

Key points

12 week programme aimed at parents and whānau of young tamariki

Detailed Referral

Close up of mother holdign a newborn up to her face and looking into its eyes