Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora

Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora is a new initiative that commenced mid 2023, designed by Te Hou Ora (THO) it aims to meet the needs of rangatahi aged 15 - 24yrs. This programme aims to reduce rates of long-term unemployment among our rangatahi and involve wide-reaching external collaboration and internal integration of services. Rangatahi will be supported by kaimahi across our other THO services including social work, counselling, education and learning development, whānau work, navigation and youth work. Rangatahi will develop the hard and soft skills necessary to obtain long term employment and career progression in a field that interests them. Through Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora and a korowai comprised of additional support services wrapped around them, THO expects Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora will help rangatahi become positive, resilient, independent and successful in all aspects of their lives.


“Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini” - My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective

Key Points

For rangatahi and taitamarikitanga not in education or employment aged 15-24yrs.
Rangatahi and taitamarikitanga are supported and walked alongside to obtain their dreams and aspirations.

Online Referral Form

Enrolment Form