Tūrangawaewae is a whānau led Te Ao Māori programme that helps build healthy whānau relationships. With the overarching meaning that Tūrangawaewae is a safe place to stand, we find that once the foundations are right everything builds from there.
Poipoia te Mokopuna
Poipoia te Mokopuna is an interactive journey that empowers whānau by building their understanding of their role as the first teacher of their pēpi.
Tauwhirowhiro | Transitions
Te Hou Ora’s Tauwhirowhiro service provides advice and assistance to rangatahi who have left Oranga Tamariki care or custody and are aged from 15 to 25 years old.
Rangatahi Ora
Rangatahi Ora Clubs make up a wellbeing programme which understands that tamariki have a divine spark from their tūpuna that must be nurtured.
Whānau Ora | Navigation
Whānau Ora Navigation helps whānau create a pathway to take their lives from a state of living to a state of thriving. Navigation does this by identifying services, education providers, employment, or business opportunities that can help our clients achieve their dreams and aspirations.
Hakuitaka Hakorotaka
In Hakuitaka Hakorotaka (Hakui), a kaupapa Māori parenting programme, we walk alongside whānau helping them reflect on how they were raised, how they currently raise their tamariki and how they want to parent in the future.
Whānau Tautoko
Whānau Tautoko is a service which works with whānau in a time of crisis. Those that we work with are supported to understand the opportunities available to them and empowered to utilise the support we provide so they can move from a state of surviving to a state of living.
Whakaparirau Ngā Taiohi | Youth Justice
Whakaparirau Ngā Taiohi | Youth justice is a service provided by Te Hou Ora that works in collaboration with Oranga Tamariki to support rangatahi involved with the youth court system.
Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora
Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora is a program designed by Te Hou Ora for Rangatahi aged 15 - 24. The program has been in effect since mid 2023 and has gone from strength to strength since opening its doors. Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora is program that aims to reduce rates of long-term unemployment. This program will embody external collaboration and internal integration of services. Rangatahi will be supported by other Te Hou Ora disciplines including social work and counselling, education and learning development, whānau work, navigation and youth work. Rangatahi will develop the hard and soft skills necessary to obtain long term employment and career progression in a field that interests them. Through Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora and the korowai of additional support wrapped around them, THO expects Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora to help rangatahi become positive, resilient, independent and successful in all aspects of their lives.
“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini” - My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective
Key Points
For Rangtahi/Taitamarikitanga not in education or employment aged 15-24yrs.
Rangtahi/Taitamarikitanga are supported and walked alongside to obtain their dreams and aspirations